Historic Trends and Projections - Total Receipts

This table is updated to reflect data presented in June 2021 as part of the FY 2022 Enacted Budget.
Source: New York State Division of the Budget, www.budget.ny.gov
Show Values In:
Nominal Dollars
Real Dollars

(Amounts in Millions of Dollars)

Fiscal Year All Taxes All Taxes Personal Income Tax Personal Income Tax Sales Tax Sales Tax Other User Taxes and Fees1 Other User Taxes and Fees1 Business Taxes2 Business Taxes2 Other Taxes3 Other Taxes3 Net Lottery Receipts Net Lottery Receipts Other Miscellaneous Receipts4 Other Miscellaneous Receipts4
1976 9,144 43,016 3,949 18,577 2,149 10,110 1,011 4,756 1,699 7,993 336 1,581
1977 10,072 45,110 4,527 20,275 2,218 9,934 1,037 4,644 1,908 8,545 381 1,706
1978 10,251 43,038 4,506 18,918 2,433 10,215 1,023 4,295 1,999 8,393 290 1,218
1979 10,869 41,869 5,058 19,484 2,589 9,973 1,032 3,975 1,905 7,338 286 1,102
1980 11,845 40,288 5,780 19,660 2,829 9,622 1,008 3,429 1,973 6,711 255 867
1981 13,190 39,930 6,612 20,017 2,948 8,925 986 2,985 2,350 7,114 293 887
1982 14,874 41,344 8,034 22,331 3,177 8,831 989 2,749 2,392 6,649 282 784
1983 15,759 42,190 8,276 22,156 3,509 9,394 998 2,672 2,567 6,872 409 1,095
1984 18,181 46,898 9,374 24,180 3,877 10,001 1,137 2,933 3,204 8,265 590 1,522
1985 20,415 50,614 10,395 25,772 4,201 10,415 1,558 3,863 3,400 8,429 861 2,135 3,191 7,911
1986 22,552 53,869 11,582 27,666 4,729 11,296 1,571 3,753 3,606 8,614 1,064 2,542 3,928 9,383
1987 24,377 57,546 12,477 29,454 5,065 11,957 1,558 3,678 3,814 9,004 1,464 3,456 4,247 10,026
1988 25,843 58,473 13,569 30,702 5,478 12,395 1,578 3,570 3,924 8,879 1,294 2,928 5,040 11,404
1989 26,237 56,856 13,844 30,000 5,715 12,385 1,528 3,311 3,809 8,254 1,341 2,906 5,692 12,335
1990 28,056 58,102 15,301 31,687 5,965 12,353 1,898 3,931 3,726 7,716 1,166 2,415 5,904 12,227
1991 27,883 54,345 14,467 28,197 5,707 11,123 2,023 3,943 4,484 8,739 1,202 2,343 940 1,832 5,765 11,236
1992 29,778 56,358 14,943 28,281 5,966 11,291 2,072 3,922 5,685 10,760 1,112 2,105 844 1,597 5,793 10,964
1993 31,661 58,196 15,961 29,338 6,243 11,475 2,105 3,869 6,207 11,409 1,145 2,105 961 1,766 5,955 10,946
1994 33,001 59,000 16,502 29,503 6,320 11,299 2,267 4,053 6,783 12,127 1,129 2,018 1,054 1,884 5,889 10,529
1995 33,048 57,589 16,728 29,150 6,795 11,841 2,277 3,968 6,135 10,691 1,112 1,938 1,162 2,025 6,660 11,606
1996 33,886 57,591 17,399 29,570 6,913 11,749 2,199 3,737 6,240 10,605 1,136 1,931 1,441 2,449 7,780 13,222
1997 34,661 56,983 17,554 28,859 7,301 12,003 2,120 3,485 6,517 10,714 1,169 1,922 1,533 2,520 7,872 12,942
1998 35,925 58,075 18,289 29,565 7,566 12,231 2,160 3,492 6,586 10,647 1,324 2,140 1,534 2,480 7,567 12,233
1999 38,505 61,261 20,576 32,736 7,922 12,604 2,155 3,429 6,401 10,184 1,450 2,307 1,442 2,294 8,159 12,981
2000 41,367 64,099 23,194 35,940 8,508 13,183 2,083 3,228 6,134 9,505 1,448 2,244 1,350 2,092 8,865 13,737
2001 44,648 66,885 26,943 40,362 8,722 13,066 1,938 2,903 5,846 8,758 1,200 1,798 1,440 2,157 9,293 13,921
2002 42,484 62,639 25,574 37,707 8,548 12,603 2,004 2,955 5,185 7,645 1,173 1,729 1,551 2,287 9,258 13,650
2003 39,626 57,011 22,648 32,584 8,796 12,655 2,008 2,889 4,983 7,169 1,190 1,712 1,789 2,574 12,353 17,773
2004 42,851 60,421 24,647 34,753 9,907 13,969 2,012 2,837 5,007 7,060 1,278 1,802 1,897 2,675 17,515 24,697
2005 48,598 66,308 28,100 38,340 11,016 15,030 2,020 2,756 5,806 7,922 1,656 2,259 2,031 2,771 13,828 18,867
2006 53,578 70,741 30,813 40,684 11,195 14,781 2,661 3,513 7,088 9,359 1,820 2,403 2,179 2,877 16,075 21,225
2007 58,740 75,648 34,580 44,533 10,739 13,830 2,718 3,500 8,606 11,083 2,097 2,701 2,309 2,974 15,769 20,308
2008 60,871 75,298 36,564 45,230 11,296 13,973 2,697 3,336 8,232 10,183 2,024 2,504 2,608 3,226 17,032 21,069
2009 60,337 74,654 36,840 45,582 10,985 13,592 3,019 3,735 7,604 9,408 1,889 2,337 2,544 3,148 17,520 21,677
2010 57,668 69,399 34,751 41,820 10,527 12,668 2,325 2,798 7,459 8,976 2,606 3,136 2,645 3,183 20,912 25,166
2011 60,870 72,214 36,210 42,958 11,538 13,688 2,667 3,164 7,279 8,636 3,176 3,768 3,015 3,577 20,133 23,885
2012 64,297 74,013 38,767 44,625 11,876 13,671 2,695 3,102 7,877 9,067 3,082 3,548 2,829 3,257 21,008 24,183
2013 66,302 75,002 40,227 45,505 11,989 13,562 2,626 2,971 8,465 9,576 2,995 3,388 3,074 3,477 20,822 23,554
2014 69,690 77,659 42,961 47,874 12,588 14,027 2,511 2,798 8,259 9,203 3,371 3,756 3,173 3,536 20,953 23,349
2015 71,034 78,643 43,709 48,391 12,991 14,383 2,393 2,649 8,504 9,415 3,437 3,805 3,097 3,429 26,001 28,786
2016 74,763 82,247 47,055 51,765 13,359 14,696 2,366 2,603 7,884 8,673 4,009 4,410 3,472 3,820 27,268 29,997
2017 74,372 80,172 47,565 51,275 13,869 14,951 2,343 2,526 6,979 7,523 3,616 3,898 3,380 3,644 26,393 28,451
2018 79,266 83,689 51,505 54,379 14,495 15,304 2,216 2,340 7,164 7,564 2,451 2,588 3,353 3,540 27,061 28,571
2019 75,578 78,292 48,088 49,815 15,128 15,671 2,229 2,309 7,912 8,196 2,221 2,301 3,519 3,645 27,665 28,658
2020 82,889 83,967 53,660 54,358 15,932 16,139 2,089 2,116 8,996 9,113 2,212 2,241 3,457 3,502 26,009 26,347
2021 82,376 82,376 54,967 54,967 14,145 14,145 1,972 1,972 8,792 8,792 2,500 2,500 2,793 2,793 27,979 27,979
2022 Enacted 91,093 88,612 61,050 59,387 16,099 15,660 2,055 1,999 9,601 9,339 2,288 2,226 3,598 3,500 22,454 21,842
2023 Projected 97,464 92,678 65,494 62,278 16,969 16,136 2,120 2,016 10,471 9,957 2,410 2,292 3,531 3,358 23,067 21,934
2024 Projected 100,830 93,723 68,448 63,623 17,415 16,187 2,134 1,984 10,308 9,581 2,525 2,347 3,532 3,283 22,782 21,176
2025 Projected 103,690 94,214 71,348 64,828 17,847 16,216 2,185 1,985 9,661 8,778 2,649 2,407 3,529 3,206 22,429 20,379
1Includes taxes on alcoholic beverages,cigarettes and tobacco products, auto rentals, highway use and motor fuels.
2Includes bank tax, insurance tax, corporation franchise tax, utilities taxes and petroleum business taxes.
3Includes estate tax, real estate transfer tax, parimutuel taxes and, through 2017, the MTA region payroll tax. Under Executive Budget, payroll tax revenues are no longer in budget but flow directly to MTA starting in FY 2019.
4Includes State University fees, tuition and other charges; motor vehicle fees; health industry fees and assessments; and various other industry assessments.

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