DATA NOTES: School Districts
(1) Payroll data in the "Schools" category is broken down into two categories (NYSTRS and NYSLRS), which can be separately searched under the "Subagency" tab:
- "NYSTRS Members" include elementary, secondary and post-secondary teachers and administrators; who belong to the New York State Teachers Retirement System (NYSTRS).
- "NYSLRS Members" include other employees--such as bus drivers, janitors and clerical support workers; who belong to the separate New York State Employee Retirement System, (NYSERS).
(2) The data contained in the files reflects information reported to NYSTRS and NYSERS by participating employers. It should not be assumed the figures will be used in the calculation of a retirement benefit. For Tier 2-6 members, for example, termination payments and non-regular compensation would not be included in the benefit calculation, even if reported by the employer as salary. To learn what monies can and cannot be included in the final average salary calculation, please refer to the Active Members’ Handbook on at
(3) Some members may receive earnings at multiple districts. Regardless of the number of employers for which a member worked, one year of service credit is the most a member may earn during a July 1—June 30 school year.
(4) Some members do not have earnings listed, as noted with “NDR” in the pay column. In other words, the member did not work for a participating NYSTRS employer during the applicable school year.
(5) Neither of the retirement systems collects information on job titles and responsibilities.
(6) Due to nuances in reporting systems, select individuals may also appear in the executive payroll section.
(7) Individuals who retired during a given fiscal year will not show up in that fiscal year's payroll because they are no longer classified as active employees.
(8) NYSTRS payroll data reflects information that is current as of June 30 for the years 2008 through 2024.
NYSERS payroll data reflects information that is current as of March 31 for the years 2009 through 2024:
(9) Central Islip UFSD, East Islip UFSD, Nyack UFSD and Syracuse CSD 2008 data was provided by the individual school districts and is for the school year ending June 30, 2008.